# Panel

Creates a panel component.

Extends Object (opens new window).

new Panel(options: Object)

# Parameters

# options (Object (opens new window))

Name Description
boolean (opens new window)
If true, the panel will be modal and will close if the user clicks outside.

# Instance Members

# addTo(map)

Adds the panel to a map.

# Parameters

map (Map) The Mini Tokyo 3D map to add the panel to.

# Returns

Panel: Returns itself to allow for method chaining.

# isOpen()

Checks if a panel is open.

# Returns

boolean (opens new window): true if the panel is open, false if it is closed.

# remove()

Removes the panel from a map.

# Returns

Panel: Returns itself to allow for method chaining.

# setButtons(buttons)

Sets buttons on the panel's title.

# Parameters

buttons (Array (opens new window)<HTMLElement (opens new window)>) An array of DOM elements to use as buttons on the title of the panel.

# Returns

Panel: Returns itself to allow for method chaining.

# setHTML(html)

Sets the panel's content to the HTML provided as a string.

This method does not perform HTML filtering or sanitization, and must be used only with trusted content.

# Parameters

html (string (opens new window)) A string representing HTML content for the panel.

# Returns

Panel: Returns itself to allow for method chaining.

# setTitle(title)

Sets the panel's title to a string of text.

# Parameters

title (string (opens new window)) The title of the panel.

# Returns

Panel: Returns itself to allow for method chaining.

Last Updated: 4/11/2023, 7:24:56 AM