# Marker

Creates a marker component.

Extends Evented (opens new window).

new Marker(options: Object)

# Parameters

# options (Object (opens new window))

Name Description
HTMLElement (opens new window)
DOM element to use as a marker. The default is a light blue, droplet-shaped SVG marker.
number (opens new window)
The minimum zoom level for the marker. At zoom levels less than the minZoom, the marker will be hidden. The value can be any number between 0 and 24 (inclusive). If no minZoom is provided, the marker will be visible at all zoom levels.

# Instance Members

# addTo(map)

Attaches the Marker to a Map object.

# Parameters

map (Map) The Mini Tokyo 3D map to add the marker to.

# Returns

Marker: Returns itself to allow for method chaining.

# remove()

Removes the marker from a map.

# Returns

Marker: Returns itself to allow for method chaining.

# setActivity(active)

Sets the marker's activity state. Active status refers to the state where the marker is selected and highlighted.

# Parameters

active (boolean (opens new window)) If true, the marker is active.

# Returns

Marker: Returns itself to allow for method chaining.

# setLngLat(lnglat)

Sets the marker's geographical position and move it.

# Parameters

lnglat (LngLatLike (opens new window)) A LngLatLike (opens new window) describing where the marker should be located.

# Returns

Marker: Returns itself to allow for method chaining.

# setVisibility(visible)

Sets the marker's visibility state.

# Parameters

visible (boolean (opens new window)) If true, the marker is visible.

# Returns

Marker: Returns itself to allow for method chaining.

# Events

# click

Fired when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is pressed and released on the marker.

# mouseenter

Fired when a pointing device (usually a mouse) enters the marker.

# mouseleave

Fired when a pointing device (usually a mouse) leaves the marker.

Last Updated: 1/5/2025, 12:43:24 AM